Sodium Chloride will complete the cycle of those born between January 22 and February 19.
The lack of this mineral will produce a chemical imbalance within the body.
The first sign of problems will occur in the digestive system and mucous membranes.
Complaints will be cramps in the legs, rheumatic fever, bad blood and paralysis.
Sodium Chloride can be obtained from eating strawberries, apples, figs, spinach, cabbage, radishes, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, chestnuts, coconuts, or in a special Herbal Formula called AQU (AQUARIUS).
Ingredients: Alfalfa, Valerian Root, Comfrey Root, Bayberry Bark, Uva Ursi, Dandelion Root, Horehound, and Capsicum
100 Capsules
This product contains no fillers, binders or other additives.
Each capsule is a Vegicap, a 100% vegetarian capsule
This information is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or in- directly. If you have need for medical assistance, please contact your local physician, or medical practitioner.