Beyond Zero Point - Gregg Braden - DVD

Item#/SKU: BZP

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$20.00 - $25.00
On Beyond Zero Point, Earth scientist and author Gregg Braden offers a stunning theory --that our planet has now entered a geophysical phase predicted millennia ago, a Shift of the Ages that is transforming your consciousness even as you read this.

Hidden within the ancient prophecies of the Essenes, Hopis, Mayans, Egyptians, and others, asserts Braden, is a universal and sacred set of technologies.

The secret of these tools is knowing how the outer world mirrors our inner conditions.

With this knowledge, each of us can transcend ordinary consciousness, align ourselves with the forces around us, and directly participate in the great challenges that lie ahead.

Are these the lost keys to the next phase of human evolution?

Listen and decide for yourself as Gregg Braden takes you on an unforgettable excursion.....Beyond Zero Point.
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