Bulk Chaney Root (Jamaican) Featured

Item#/SKU: Bk Chny Rt (j)

Ordering Options
Packaging Size: 
$150.00 - $620.00

Due to recent restrictions from the FDA, Chaney Root can only be sold as a Ground up or a powdered condition.

We can only sell it ground up.

The Chaney root is found in the deep woodlands of Jamaica, this roots is used by persons, both young and old as a Tonic and medicinal cure for several illnesses including;

  • impotency (low sex drive)
  • cleansing the blood
  • rheumatism and arthritis
  • neutralizing acids
  • skin conditions and fatigue.

    The Chaney Root is also said to be packed with Iron and promotes excellent physical strength.

    The root can also be boiled with other herbs including Sarsaparilla, red hibiscus flowers and even Garlic.

    Please consult your doctor before buying and using the Jamaican Chaney Root.

    How to use Chaney Root:
    The Chaney Root is generally boiled and sweetened with sugar or honey and drank as a tea in the morning.

    The root is very strong and can be boiled twice or even three times.

    To every 1oz of Chaney Root you can add approx. 4 cups water and boil.

    Wholesale Pricing

    Please note: There will be an additional charge for the 10 and 25 pound packages.
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    Bulk Chaney Root  (Jamaican)
    Bulk Chaney Root  (Jamaican)

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