"Red" Dillard Morrison, Once described bt Federal Officials as The Most Dangerous Criminal in the Country
True Crime Stories ~ Criminal Activity that has NEVER been spoken about
Playaz Circle ~ After a smash hit featuring Lil Wayne, this duo demands respect on the mic and in the streets
The Aphiliates ~ The Federal Government treated them like cocaine traffickers but now these mix-tape kings are about to go even harder
Chamillionaire ~ After selling millions of records and landing a Grammy, Chamilionaire is out to show that he is still hungry
Jazze Pha ~ After being locked up in the studio for 10-years, Phe decided to take an hour lunch break and chop it up with F.E.D.S. Magazine
Jacob the Jeweler ~ Ordered to Serve 46 months in prison and pay $2 million in fines
Michael Vick
And More...
*****Back Issue Special*****