KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer

Item#/SKU: AlkIon

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SKU: AlkIon
sale$3,000.00 $2,499.00
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It is not a secret that the water we drink impacts our health.

Drinking the right kind of water will reduce chances of suffering from health problems like high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

Drinking the wrong kind of water will fill you with toxins and make your body acidic. This will deprive you of the essential minerals required for good health.

Such water may also contribute to illness and premature aging.

The KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer offers the following benefits:

1. Cutting edge slotted electrolysis plate technology!

Oversize platinum titanium electrolysis plates incorporate KYK's slotted plate technology, providing the best of all worlds

Extremely long life-span, optimal electrolysis and optimal ionization, with none of the problems associated with mesh plates or the less effective ionization capabilities of non-slotted plates.

2. SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) power control system!

SMPS power supplies provide extremely stable power eliminating power loss and shortened life-span as is typical with older technology transformer-based power supplies systems.

3. Dual high capacity filters!

An activated carbon filter ensures pure water for 9000 liters (2377 gallons), and a specialized media filter removes fluoride and heavy metals for 6000 liters (1585 gallons).

Both filters have extremely long life-spans, cutting down on the cost per gallon.

4. Electronically controlled filter life indicators!

The KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer tracks actual water usage rather than the amount of time that the unit is operating as do many other water ionizer products also reducing cost per gallon.

5. Electronically controlled filter contamination sensors!

The KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer continually monitors the cleanliness of its filters and promptly notifies you when the filters need to be replaced.

6. Nine preset pH levels!

Four alkaline water settings (8.5pH, 9.0pH, 9.5pH and 10.0pH), one pure water (filtered only) setting and four acidic water settings (5.5pH, 50pH, 4.5pH and 4.0pH), all with a convenient touch sensor selection system.

7. 76 programmable pH and ORP levels!

The KYK Product allows you to program nearly all pH and ORP combinations, so as to customize your pH and ORP to the level that's right for you. This feature is essential due to the wide range of local tap water qualities.
Non-programmable ionizers cannot adjust to local tap water conditions, so these ionizers are at the mercy of your tap water and a handful of preset pH levels.
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KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer
KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer

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