Oil Of Ibrahim Blend For Eczema and Psoriasis Featured

Item#/SKU: OoIbra

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SKU: OoIbra
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Our own unique blend cold pressed nutrient rich Omega 3 and 6 oils formulated to treat eczema, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, dry skin, hair conditions and cradle cap.

The fatty acids contained in our formula are "good" fats and are essential because the body needs them to survive, and because the body cannot synthesize them from other compounds. In other words, the body must get these EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) from food.

Research shows that there is a direct correlation between the lack of EFAs and excematic and psoriatic skin conditions.

It is vital that you build the skin from within . Nutrition is the key. Vitamins C, B3, B6 and the minerals zinc and magnesium play an enormous role in helping the Essential Fatty Acids or EFA's to produce prostaglandins.

Vitamin A sourced from the safe form of Beta Carotene helps to thin the skin, very useful for those who suffer from eczema.

In combination with the full range of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that the body requires, the body starts to work synergistically with the vitamins in repairing damaged tissues.

For instance, Vitamin C helps to build Collagen in the skin, but it needs vitamin E to replenish it and vice versa!

Taking Oil of Ibrahim along with effective supplementation in conjunction with altered diet will bring satisfactory results.


Adults take 2 tablespoons (20 ml) daily every day continuously while symptoms persist and then 1 tablespoon ( 10 ml) daily for maintenance after symptoms subside. Most individuals notice improvement within 4 weeks while optimal results are better achieved after 3 to 6 months.

Children take 2-3 teaspoons daily. Refrigerate after opening. Oil of Ibrahim can be mixed with any juice or yogurt cold or at room temperature only.

Cradle Cap: Apply oil to scalp and use a clean soft toothbrush and massage into scalp.

  • 16oz
  • Glass Bottle
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