Organic Goji Honey with Tribulus Terrestirs and Black Seed Extracts Featured

Item#/SKU: GojiHoney

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SKU: GojiHoney
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Benefits of Goji Berries Honey which Tribulus Terrestirs

The Goji Berry comes from a shrub that grows in temperate and subtropical regions of China, Mongolia and in the Himalayas in Tibet. They had been use for 6000 years and traditional remedies for health.
It is best for the following:
strengthen the immune system
Anti aging  properties
Brightens and improves eyesight
Nourish the liver and kidney
Normalizes blood sugar levels
Helps with weight loss Lowers cholesterol,
Slows hair loss and graying
Improve sexual health and fitness
Improve sexual desires and mood. 
Sexual health benefits
  • boost Libido
  • Alleviate anxiety
  • Elevate mood and reduce inhibitio
  • Increase sexual desire
  • Effective homeopathic
  • Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction
  • Sexual weakness
  • Bigger and harder erections
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Increase Potency
  • Multi pleasure and orgasm
  • Increases energy
  • Anti-fatigue
  • Quick results
  • Awaken your pleasure.  
Organic Ingredients:  Pine pollen extracts, Astragalus mongolic roots, Epimedium  Leaf extracts, Goji Berry extracts, Maca powder, Tribulus Terrestirs, Clover, Licorice, Ginseng honey, Buckwheat honey, Damiana, Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin seed, Ginger, Royal jelly, Nettles, Bee Pollen and Flaxseed oil, Horny Goat Weed extract and Black Seed Extracts.
Size Available: 16oz

Directions: Take One Tablespoon Daily, (One bottle = 22 days)

This information is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to prescribe or diagnose or make claims for medical advice, directly or in- directly. If you have need for medical assistance, please contact your local physician, or medical practitioner.

The manufacturer is responsible all claims regarding this product.


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Organic Goji Honey with Tribulus Terrestirs and Black Seed Extracts
Organic Goji Honey with Tribulus Terrestirs and Black Seed Extracts
Organic Goji Honey with Tribulus Terrestirs and Black Seed Extracts

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