Quantum Creations DVD

Item#/SKU: Qc

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Create absolute wealth in all areas of your life...

Are you 100% totally and completely happy with your life?

Just suppose James Ray could show you a way to accomplish anything and everything you choose to accomplish in your life...

You would be interested in hearing about that, wouldn't you?

Learn how you intentions create your reality during Quantum Creations. At the end of this presentation, you will walk away with:
A specific plan to achieve exactly what you want out of life using quantum physics strategies as discussed in the movies What the Bleep Do We Know? and The Secret...
A deep understanding of how you've created the life you have...and how to easily change it into the life you want...
The knowledge of exactly why you may be struggling to succeed while others seem to do it so easily...and what you need to do different to dramatically improve your results...
Tools to vanquish stress and fear, increase your energy level and remove unconscious self-imposed limitations...
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