Redd Foxx "Live and Funny" Vol #2 Live

Item#/SKU: RF l&f #2

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Highlights include a story about a Viet Nam veteran whom the President tries to decorate, two hapless campers who run into a hungry grizzly, a very funny joke about a cannibal chief and a witch doctor, and the various reasons why certain politicians got into office while others didn't.
Foxx chats with an amiable lady from New York and the various differences between East and West (coasts, that is) are discussed, including how stringent clubs are at closing time in both L.A. and New York. He keeps coming back to this lady and their interplay gives the disc a very cool sort of continuity. In fact, the best overall thing about this CD is Foxx's repartee with the audience. He's not at all arrogant or unapproachable, and he makes everybody in the club feel welcome and comfortable.
  • Audio CD (January 1, 1996)
  • Original Release Date: January 1, 1996
  • Label: Richmond
  • Total Run Time: 33mins 32sec
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