The Anti-Christ 666

Item#/SKU: 2470

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From the time of our first parents, Satan has invented ways to turn man from the true worship of our creator, to worship created things. The Spirit of Satan, unlike the Spirit of the Creator, is always at war with the Gospel of Christ, So are Christ's followers at war - "not against flesh and blood, but with principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world,against spiritual wickedness in high places" Ephesians 6:12. Just as there is a spirit in the world, so is a Spirit of Antichrist. I John 4:3. Just as Christ prepared the world before his first Advent by the symbols in the ceremonial law of the Jews, which pointed to Him, so is the Antichrist preparing the world through human agents with false doctrines. But who is the Antichrist? The Creator in his divine wisdom through prophecy and revelation, has given his servents understanding to know who this Antichrist was, is and is to come. Who is the Beast..... What is his Image..... What is the mark of the Beast..... How do you count the number of the Beast ?
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