The Book of Signs "A New Vision of Science"

Item#/SKU: BoS

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$25.00 - $35.00
As Science have moved deeper into sub-atomic worlds of molecular biology and nuclear physics, they have been drawn into a realm that has traditionally been seen as the concern of religion.

This film is based on the ideas developed in Dr. Maurice Bucaille's successful books, 'The Bible, The Qur'an and Science' and 'What is the Origin of Man?'

Through the use of spectacular scientific footage and animation, the film illustrates the scope and depth of knowledge contained within the Qur'an, the Holy Book of Islam, revealed over fourteen hundred years ago. From the microscopic world of cells through the intricacies of plant and insct life to the birth of the universe, and the controversy surrounding Darwin's theory of evolution, the film examines the common fallacy that scientific and religious knowlege are incompatable, and draws new and chalenging conclusions.
  • A film of breathtaking imagery with an original music score
  • Runtime approx 90 mins
  • VHS & DVD
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