Vitalzym (Uterine Fibroids Treatment)

Item#/SKU: Uterine Fibroids

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Fibroid tumors are most commonly found most often in the uterus of women in their 20's, 30's and 40's.

Between 20-50% of women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids.
They are usually benign (non-cancerous) uterine tumors.
Medically, fibroids are also referred to as myomas or leiomyomas, and are considered to be a condition that is usually associated with estrogen dominance.
Uterine fibroid tumors are nodules of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue that develop within the wall of the uterus or on the outer wall of the uterus, hence the name 'fibroid' tumor. Fibroids may grow as a single nodule or in clusters and may range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. They may grow within the wall of the uterus or they may project into the interior cavity or toward the outer surface of the uterus.
In rare cases, they may grow on stalks or peduncles projecting from the surface of the uterus. These uterine tumors are known as pendunculated fibroids.

While many women do not experience any problems, symptoms can be severe enough to require treatment, and are the most common indication for surgery, including hysterectomy, myomectomy, and uterine fibroid embolization.


Feeling Better - Looking Better - Living Longer

How ?

With the use of systemic enzymes.
Enzymes are said to be the "sparks of life."
They are considered keys that can unlock the door to a healthier you because they not only help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, they are also responsible for millions of bodily functions.

Vitalzym is a blend of enzymes that work synergistically to provide total system support. It contains protease, serrapeptase, papain, bromelain, amylase, lipase, rutin and amla.

According to Dr. Peter Streichhan, a world-renowned enzyme researcher from Germany, "enzyme mixtures have a wider range of therapeutic advantages than do individual enzymes."

Vitalzym systemic proteolytic enzyme therapy can assist the body in fighting:

  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Fibromyalgia symptoms
  • Uterine Fibroid Tumors
  • Inflammation
  • Fibrosis of the organs
  • Scar tissue
  • Toxins and impurities in the blood
  • Viruses

    Enzyme authority Dr. Anthony Cichoke says, "Every day, researchers throughout the world are discovering new enzymes and new therapeutic uses for them...

    Researchers are even studying enzyme replacement therapy devising new treatment methods for diseases that they have historically been unable to treat.
    This includes many diseases that result from inborn errors of metabolism, such as the inability of the body to make a particular enzyme."

  • 100% non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)
  • Vegetarian

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
  • Customer Reviews

    Product Reviews - Reviewed by 2 customers

    Write your own review Sort by:
    Dissolved my fibroid tumors, May 11, 2022
    A lady on an airplane told me her daughter had used to get rid of melon sized fibroid and so I tried it, hoping for the same result. My doctor had told me I would need to have surgery to rid the tumors but I took the vitalzyme and the fibroids broke up and then I was able to have a child! Hope and pray this can help many other women looking for an answer besides surgery, which in some cases is hysterectomy.

    Pros: Easy to use; great outcome
    Cons: Expensive

    By SP from Boston, MA

    Dissolved my fibroid tumors, May 11, 2022
    A lady on an airplane told me her daughter had used to get rid of melon sized fibroid and so I tried it, hoping for the same result. My doctor had told me I would need to have surgery to rid the tumors but I took the vitalzyme and the fibroids broke up and then I was able to have a child! Hope and pray this can help many other women looking for an answer besides surgery, which in some cases is hysterectomy.

    Pros: Easy to use; great outcome
    Cons: Expensive

    By SP from Boston, MA

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