Apocalypse Africa: Made in America (2008)

Item#/SKU: DoC

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When do we finally say enough is enough? Secret recordings...once classified films...hidden documents.

From inside the archives of the United States Government comes a story of racism and manipulation that reveals how the actions of a nation ultimately brought about the collapse of a continent: Africa.

It took the deaths of six million Jews before we finally said never again.

Yet with at least twenty million Africans killed so far due to wars in Darfur, Uganda, Rwanda and many more, the body count continues to rise.

With powerfully haunting images, this controversial new film exposes the story of Africa's collapse and will fill you with an intense passion for the importance of human life.

  • Studio: Cinequest
  • DVD Release Date: October 7, 2008
  • Run Time: 72 minutes
  • VHS & DVD
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