Metu Neter Vol. 2: Anuk Ausar, The Kamitic Initiation System Featured

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What is the essence of our being? How do we truly come to "know ourselves"?

What is our relationship to God?

And, conversely, what is God's relationship to us -- his creation?

How do we tap into the spiritual corridors of our soul?

Is God some big man (anthropomorphic) in a far off place watching our every move, logging in our positive or negative actions, for his/her eventual dispensation of justice(as many of us have been taught and believe) or can God be found in all things simultaneously (pantheistic) and experienced daily?

The answers to these questions and many others are delineated in this wonderful work on spiritual cultivation by an author who is clearly an authority on his subject matter -- and thus writes with enlightening conviction.

The Metu Neter, vol 2, is one of the most important books of our times. Certainly it is one of the most important texts I've read. It not only awakens the reader to the historical developments in ancient "Egypitan" spiritual dynamics, but also offers the contemporary seeker a clearly defined road to his/her own spiritual growth and development utilizing many of those same ancient modalities.

Read this book. Study this book. Digest this book. Experience this book. Then, pass it on to everyone that you know.

  • Paperback
  • 350 pages
  • Publisher: Kamit Publications
  • ISBN: 1877662089
  • (Oct 2013)
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