The Ankh "African Origin of Electromagnetism"

Item#/SKU: 4192

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  • For those people interested in the historical significance and powerful meaning of the ankh, as well as its scientific properties this book would be great reading for you.
  • My one suggestion to any reader would be, keep an open mind. It is not a book rooted in the status quo, by any means. Some of the scientific evidence is truly intriguing but if you are not accustomed to reading about electromagnetism and the properties of it, then this might be a little hard to follow at times.
  • Overall, this book did raise my eyebrows more than a few times and sparked my interest to learn more.
  • Paperback
  • Publisher: A & B Book Pub Dist
  • ISBN: 1886433127;
  • 4th edition (May 1999)
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