Nuri Muhammad is one of the brightest stars in a talented group of the next generation of leaders from the Nation of Islam. Born on November 21, 1974, he joined the Nation of Islam in 1992 at seventeen years of age.
After accepting Islam, he went from receiving D’s and F’s in school to earning straight A’s and became first in his class in high school.Even though Brother Nuri was making this type of academic progress, he was put out of his home and moved into the mosque during his last two years of high school.
While under these circumstances, Brother Nuri kept his A average and sold 1,000 Final Calls per issue. Brother Nuri was a fervent student of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as well as a hard worker. He became the Assistant Minister within the same year of joining of the Nation. Brother Nuri relocated to Chicago, IL in 1994 to continue to his study in the Ministry.
As a Student in the Ministry at The Headquarters of The Nation of Islam, Brother Nuri was responsible for teaching the Orientation and Processing class for the men. He was also given the task of conducting a Study Group in Ford Heights , IL.
This lecture explains who are "The Muslims" from the Nnation of Islam delivered at Muhammad's Mosque No. 74 in Indianapolis Indiana