Winston Shrout Solutions in Commerce DVD Series Featured


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Solutions in Commerce DVD Series

Kelowna B.C. Canada Seminar

8 DVD Set (Condensed to 4 DVDs)

Topic List

  • Disc 1
  • Introductory Comments
  • Private vs Public
  • Discharge
  • Setoff
  • Attorneys Bonded
  • Parties on Negotiable Instrument
  • Evidence Rules
  • Q & A 1
  • Neutralize Judge
  • Bond the Judge
  • Notary Service
  • Disc 2
  • Subrogation
  • Court is Mercenary
  • Criminal Court
  • To Agree Accept for Value
  • AFV Private Remedy
  • AFV Verbiage
  • Dishonor Creates Funds
  • Guilty
  • Pleading
  • Non-Response = Estoppel
  • Q & A 2
  • Commercial Energy Starts With Bonding
  • Disc 3
  • Birth Certificate Bond Security
  • SS-5 Subrogated Foreign Situs Trust
  • Cert. Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Bond Order Important
  • Templates
  • Don't Use Zip Codes
  • Bond Title
  • Q & A 3
  • Bond Surety for Others
  • Indigenous history
  • Disc 4
  • Topic
  • Law of the Flag
  • Medallions
  • U.S History
  • East India Tr. Co.
  • U.S. Bankruptcy
  • Comm. Redemption
  • Liens
  • Peaceful Possession
  • Q & A 4
  • Perfecting
  • Lien Surety
  • Disc 5
  • Writing Bonds
  • How to Use Bonds
  • Ins. Adjuster's Advice
  • Bond Perfect Counterclaim
  • Fiduciary Experience
  • Fiduciary Enforcement
  • Credit Card Case
  • Know Who You Are
  • An IRS Case
  • Benefit of Office
  • Can't Tax Principle
  • 1763 Proclamation
  • Disc 6
  • Amicus Curiae
  • This Bond Like Prom. Note
  • Courts in Fraud
  • Promissory Note Ex.
  • Bonding Public Officials
  • Limited Liability
  • Accounting
  • Liquidation
  • Value of the Bill
  • Disc 7
  • UCC Statement
  • Liquidation Documents
  • Liquidation Lore
  • Degrees of Knowledge
  • UCC Financing Statement
  • How to Create a Lien
  • Surety for Value of Lien
  • Q & A 5
  • Documentary Drafts
  • Disc 8
  • Process Works in Public Only
  • Banking
  • Checks Steal Equity
  • Q & A 6
  • Bonded Promissory Note
  • Final Questions

    Each Class is Approx. 1 1/2hrs long.
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